html anchor tags | link in html | what is anchor tags

HTML Anchor Tags

HTML anchor tags, also known as hyperlink tags or <a> tags, are used to create clickable links on a web page. They allow you to navigate to different sections within the same page or to other web pages.

Here's the basic syntax of an anchor tag

<a href="URL">Link text</a>

Let's break down the parts of the anchor tag:

<a>: This is the opening tag that indicates the start of the anchor tag.

href="URL": This attribute specifies the destination URL or the target location where the link should navigate to. It can be an absolute URL (e.g., "") or a relative URL (e.g., "page.html").

Link text: This is the visible text that will be displayed on the webpage as the clickable link. It can be any text or even images.

Here are a few examples to illustrate the usage of anchor tags:

Linking to an external webpage:

<a href="">Visit Example</a>

Linking to a specific section within the same page using an ID:

<a href="#section-id">Go to Section</a>


<section id="section-id">

  <!-- Section content goes here -->



Linking to a different page within the same website:

<a href="page.html">Go to Page</a>

Opening the link in a new browser tab or window using the target attribute:

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit Example (opens in new tab)</a>


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